
What we do?

Costumer Service Request

After login/register on our website, costumers can activeliy start requesting quotations for surveys of their projects. Designing the area online or uploading the KML file, costumers can submit all details and requirements for their different projects(Image/Video, Photogrammetry, Multispectral, Lidar, Thermal, Spraying,etc).

Our team of professionals will look at all the requirements of the project and will check our partners services providers portfolio. This process will lead to a selection of best option survey for their projects. All this process is transperent for costumers and service providers.

Partner Service Providers

Service providers join Zonmap as service partners. After Login/Register, it's required specific information about new comers.

From hardware equipment, areas of working or experience on surveying, Zonmap will request all critical information of entities and pilots that could grant and validate their expertise. This step is crucial to consider them as partners for our costumer projects.

All our partner service providers are validated and certified internally.


Questions or doubts? We answer!

Yes, Zonmap look carefully and validate all costumers and service prodivers profile after register. It could happend Zonmap won’t accept partners if they don’t meet the requirements.

Yes, all data registered on our platform is private and in anway will be shared. All data could be also deleted in any time uppon request.

Don’t worry, contact us by our contact form and we will give you an answer shortly.

Zonmap will help you with information for the submission of your projects. From the base type to the specific requirements, we will help you to detail and select the best requirements to get the desirable data.